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Nova Ventures Cafe™

Novatempo is pioneering the Nova Ventures Cafe™ with the main goal of creating a networking forum for expanding value creating business interactions on a global scale.

Nova Ventures Cafe™ is the first place in the www were entrepreneurs from all over the world present their envisioned high growth business ventures to a select global audience of seasoned entrepreneurs, high risk investors, skilled technologists and experienced service providers.

The presentation is given as part of a venture validation  effort designed to gather constructive criticism, identify potential partners and establish global interactions that may result in a more viable business venture.

Economic Growth through Entrepreneurial Activity

We live in one planet supporting one giant global economy formed by hundreds of thousand local economies.   The entire global economic vitality depends on having all those regions densely interconnected to regions as far away as possible.

A strong growth in the rate at which those interactions are being formed corresponds to a well performing economy. Regions that find themselves having fewer interconnections, experience stagnation or even decay. Regions that maintain a net positive rate of creation of new interactions with the rest of the world, both nearby or far away,  prosper.  Growing these connections is the primary function of private businesses. Creating entire new trade interconnections where there was none before is the primary role of high growth entrepreneurial enterprises.  These last ones are the rapidly growing ventures whose development Novatempo® hopes to accelerate through the Nova Ventures Cafe™, a global meeting place for leaders and visionaries trying to create healthy local economies through aggressive local innovation and expanding global trade.

How does Nova Ventures Cafe™ operates?

We organize business presentations on demand for innovative ventures designed to gather global feedback and to identify global resources to help them become high growth business ventures.

Once an entrepreneur considering a venture decides to seek our advise, we organize an invitation only virtual event in which the entrepreneur/intrapreneur presents the product/technology roadmap and business overview to a select global panel.

Invited to the presentation are anywhere between 3 and 7 participants chosen among our global networks of experienced entrepreneurs, business executives, technology experts, and technology investors.  The presentation given is not a fund-raising pitch, it is a genuine effort to gather advise on a global scale from some of the most talented people we can engage anywhere in the world. There is no promise to the presenter of continued interactions with the invited participants after the presentation.  However, the participants may wish to share contact information or follow up with the presenter if a participant develops interest on the venture presented.

Furthermore, Novatempo may offer advisory services to presenters and participants if deemed appropriate or value creating.

What are the beneficial outcomes for the presenting ventures?

The entrepreneur presenting his/her business obtains, at a nominal cost, the possibility of accessing global business and technology leaders, having relevant domain of expertise, to comment on the merits of the venture.   The entrepreneur also receives:

  • Constructive Feedback
  • Expert Suggestions
  • Referrals and Networking
  • Continued Interactions
  • Global Exposure

The value received by the entrepreneur is enormous. This kind of timely global feedback, gathered from among highly qualified experts, has become feasible only in recent years as a result of advances in communication and social networking technologies.

Early global exposure of a promising local venture, not matter how isolated might be from the world in its current location; can trigger talent attraction, capital flows, business relocations and strategic partnering on a global scale.

What type of early stages business ventures  are most adequate for consideration at Nova Ventures Cafe?

The potential for a high rate of profitable growth (~>100% yr over 3 yr) is the central criterion for inclusion.  Every great business growth fast, delivers profits and requires significant capital to sustain its performance.  Thus, a high growth expectation supported by sound analytical arguments, must be clearly  stated in the executive summary and explicitly communicated in all initial efforts aimed at being selected to present at a Nova Ventures Cafe™ global session.

Generally speaking, the ventures that generate the most interest are in the following technology-business spaces:

  • Information Technology
  • Software in Support of Cloud Computing/Web Services
  • Enterprise Software Solutions
  • Software for Wireless Applications
  • Wireless Infrastructure Technologies
  • Medical Devices and Clinical Solutions
  • Scientific and Manufacturing Equipment
  • Clean Energy (Solar, Wind, Clean Coal, Nuclear)
  • Biotechnology Therapies and Pharmaceutical Drugs Development
  • Solutions for More Efficient Transportation Processes
  • Efficient Miniaturization Technologies
  • Risk Hedging and Financial Arbitrage Business Models
  • Capital Deployment Funds and Money Management Funds in Emerging Markets
  • Highly Leveraged Real State Development Projects
  • Highly Leveraged Tourism Infrastructure Projects
  • Highly Leveraged Regional Franchising Ventures
  • Highly Leveraged Acquisitions of Government Run Enterprises
  • Highly Leveraged Private Investments into Publicly Listed Business

These businesses entail, in some instances, the possibility for delivering high returns on investment supported by intrinsic high growth, efficient leverage or temporary valuation distortions.  Naturally, other businesses offering the potential for high exit multipliers are also of interest of Nova Ventures Cafe™

How much does it cost to the present at a Nova Ventures Cafe™ ?

The price varies depending on the type of venture and its stage of development.  Prices and descriptions can be obtained by clicking in the button below.

What do I do to initiate a Nova Ventures Cafe™ selection process to present my business venture?

Simply sign up for an event using the button below.  Pay the fee, this action shows that you are serious and committed to go through with the Nova Ventures Cafeprocess.

Once payment is received, we will contact you to request an Executive Summary, which should be a brief 1-page document.  The Executive Summary should be regarded as a teaser to seduce the interest of the potential participants.  It should be brief and include contact information and URL links as needed. The document is public and will be broadly disseminated over the Internet. Seeking global efficiency, there will be no Non-disclosure Agreements required from any party involved in the presentation process at Nova Ventures Cafe.

Upon acceptance of your request to present at Nova Ventures Cafe™, we will initiate the process of selecting and inviting people on a global scale to participate in the event.   We invite a mix of experts that balances perspectives across technology, entrepreneurship, investment and business management. We will share the names and public profiles of the people invited that have confirmed their interest in participating in the Nova Ventures Cafewith the presenter 5 days before the event at which time the presenter may request that specific participants be excluded due to perceived conflict of interest.

The presenter will be refunded the fee paid minus $50 to cover reservation fees in the unlikely event we cannot identify enough suitable participants that show interest in the Executive Summary of the proposed presentation as to organize an effective Nova Ventures Cafe™ session.

The exact time of the event may require flexible coordination from the presenter to accommodate participants in multiple time zones.  We cannot guarantee standard business hours for the presenter since we try to accommodate better hours for the participants from around the world.

Register for NVT-VC-R1 Nova Ventures Cafe - A Global Discussion Forum for New Business Ventures (Region 2, Latin America) on Eventbrite



Novatempo does not endorse businesses presented in our Nova Ventures Cafe™ in any specific form.  We do not advise collaborating with, working for or investing in the proposed business project.  Novatempo only facilitates an environment for high level discussion about methods, valuation and feasibility of a business presented among high level global experts.  Novatempo does not necessarily participates in follow-on interaction between the presenter and the participants.

Investment requests by the presenter from the participants is not allowed or encouraged as part of the presentation delivered at the Nova Ventures Cafe™. Novatempo does not promote business proposals for investments as part of Nova Ventures Cafe™.  Presenters and participants are advised to abide to their local laws and regulations regarding fund raising and investment activities.

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