Angel Capital
There is a growing number of angel-entrepreneur matchmaking sites. Reality is that the Angel finding process does not led itself to this type of introductions. Regardless, some of the new and growing sites are:
Funding Universe matches qualified entrepreneurs with active banks, investors, and other funding sources across the United States. We provide services that make an entrepreneur Investor or Bank-ready. Prepare your company for bank or investor scrutiny with our LenderReady Analysis, InvestorReady Analysis, or our LenderPrep Report services.Once prepared, these entrepreneurs are introduced to the appropriate financing source: a network of active investors & lenders who rely on FundingUniverse to save them time by bringing them qualified business deals. Through FundingUniverse, investors and banks have access to pre-screened dealflow organized to their investment preferences via our LenderMatch and InvestorMatch technologies, and our highly-popular pitching events (CrowdPitch, IdeaPitch, SpeedPitch, and BankPitch).