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Pre-paid Hourly Consulting

Entrepreneurs, government officers and investors can now easily obtain our services from the convenience of their offices using Pre-Paid Virtual Consulting  Meetings .

Cost Saving using Virtual Consulting Meetings

Simply, Pre-Pay 1 hour to N hours of our time using PayPal and we will host a meeting for you and your colleagues over the Internet lasting as long as you have prepaid.

The meeting can be arranged as a multi-party conference call or a webcast in which all parties can use their own presentation  slides.

This is the most cost-effective way to engage our services in support of your project.  Buy only the time you need, and save on travel and lodging expenses.

We provide this service only in 1/2 hour intervals over the web or telephone, both in English and Spanish. Our current hourly rate is $300/hr.  Our daily on-site rate is $3500/day plus expenses.


Novatempo’s Pre-Paid Hourly Consulting Services are provided as follows:

1. Download this Novatempo’s Standard Non-Disclosure Agreement.  Fill in the blanks, sign it using your digital signature (or written signature) and send it back to us by email.  We can only use our standard agreement at no cost to you; if you desire to use a different agreement, we will need to invoice you the time we use reviewing and making changes to it, typically 2 to 6 hrs, costing anywhere between $600 and $1800 for each non-standard agreement.

2. We will then proceed to sign Novatempo’s Standard Non-Disclosure Agreement and send it back to you via email.  Once both parties have successfully exchanged the executed agreement, typically in less than 24 hrs, we are ready to start discussing the matters of your interest to the extent of the time you have pre-paid for our services.

3. The Virtual Consulting Engagement starts with you sending us a Tentative Meeting Agenda along with any material you need us to review before the Virtual Consulting  Meeting.

4. We review the Tentative Agenda,  estimate the amount of time we need to review the materials you have provided us, and estimate the amount of time required to prepare presentation slides or documents (if any) to support our online meeting.

5.  We proceed to send you by email a Final Virtual Meeting Agenda and an Pre-Payment Invoice covering the amount of time we estimate is required to complete the final agenda.  This invoice includes: (1) Time Required to review the material you have provided us prior to the meeting; (2) Time required to prepare presentation materials and any documents or calculation we must prepare prior to our meeting; and (3) Time Required to carry out the Virtual Meeting Agenda online or over the phone.

6. Once we receive confirmation from PayPal that the Invoice has been prepaid, we will proceed to set a mutually agreed time for the Virtual Consulting  Meeting.



The following policies apply:

1.  All Pre-paid Services Invoices are payable upon receipt in order to expedite delivery of our services.

2. Our Services are provided only in intervals of 1/2 hrs and currently billed at $300/hr per consultant.

3. Our Pre-paid Services Invoices assume that ONLY ONE of our consultants participate in the Virtual Consulting  Meeting.  Additional consultants can be requested and are billed at the same additional rate.

4.  Virtual Consulting  Meetings will not be held until PayPal has confirmed payment in-full of the Pre-paid Services Invoices.

5. Pre-paid Services Invoices that have not been used up within 45 days from the payment date we’ll be deemed delivered and no funds will be refunded. Attenuating circumstances will be considered in issuing credit for future services.

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